If after reviewing Salal’s mission, priorities, considerations, limitations and FAQ, you believe your Project is a great fit, please submit this form.
If you have not already had contact with the Salal Foundation about partnership work with your organization, we suggest you first email us with a 1-2 paragraph summary of your proposed work. We will then advise on whether you should proceed with a full submission.
Applications from Canadian Organizations only.
All fields are required. Each question has a character limit count below the text area field that will appear when you start typing.
We strongly suggest you draft your answers in a working document (e.g. Google or Word doc) and copy the answers into the online form when ready. Here is a link to a (view-only) Google Doc with all the form questions that you can save to your own Google Drive or computer (MS Word) for editing.
This form supports characters and syllabics found in Indigenous Languages in BC.